NaBloPoMo.. December is Joy…mostly…except when dress shopping…


Thursday, December 11, 2014
Who is the happiest person you know? What is their secret?

This is the official prompt from the NaBloPoMo site..I really can’t answer it because I think “Happiness” looks different on different people.

Some people are happy to live life and just cruise along (not me)

Some people have goals and five-year plans and everything is structured and they call themselves Happy (again not me)

I honestly can’t say I know the “Happiest” person. What I can tell you is the “happiest” person I know is not me. I want to do and be and see so much more than I am, I am impatient for my Star Son to grow and impatient for my Bloke to finish work so we can travel. I am always looking for an excuse to get out of the house and go and do “Stuff” So I am NOT the Happiest person I know.

Really… struggling to answer this one!!


So Since I failed the official prompt for today, I am going to tell you what made my day “joy FILLED” several things, some might seem a little shallow and yes to some they are, but to me it’s a stressful time.. DRESS SHOPPING..

We’ll ad(dress) (<—see what I did there? dress..dress shopping..) the unpleasant first and get over that with the really joy FILLED moment.

So I told you all about this fancy wedding we have to go to in January well it’s the 3rd of January so I needed to get the whole “Dress situation” figured before Christmas because after Christmas will be too rushed!! So today daughter number one said “We are going dress shopping and we are NOT going home till we find one!” that one statement struck terror in my heart! First stop was “Target” I tried on two, both were yuck! moving right along.

Next stop was a little boutique type store, my Bloke had transferred me some money to “go buy a dress” and so I figured surely I can find “something” here.. picked up four, ended up with two contenders. I went with the black with bright red roses and greenery.. hmm, that doesn’t sound appealing but it looks nice on.. even at the weight I am.. so if I continue to lose the weight it will improve its look.. ya think?!

Bargain $50.00, didn’t find the jewelry that my daughter approved of, and the shoes she suggested I didn’t want.. so we still need to do those.. but hey the worst is done…. NO! not really.. the worst is the dreaded “Under garments” I HATE!!! Bra shopping.

But it seems almost criminal to wear that beautiful new dress with the same old bra and knickers, so that’s got to happen at some stage but I am NOT excited about that. I hate that mine are always the biggest sized one that you can wear on your head like a peek a boo bonnet.. I hate that I can lose weight successfully off every part of my body and yet the “puppies” nothing, nada, zilch, I hate that the most!! I also hate that I will end up spending close to $100 for a decent bra to go under a $50.00 dress… I REALLY HATE THAT!!

So I was most delighted when I got a phone call from daughter number two saying her and “Sweetpea” were at my house and where was I? on my way home!! The whole dress saga took an hour.. phew!

The day got decidedly better and the highlight to the day.. the thing I am claiming as my most Joy FILLED moment was when they were getting ready to leave I said to my darling Sweetpea, “Please say Grandma? I know you can” I’ve been begging this girl child to say Grandma for weeks because she always says “Grandpa” at that stage she normally gives me her heart melting smile and a giggle and refuses to say it.. today she smiled and said “GrandMA!” I looked at my daughter and said “oh She said it.. did you hear that?!” and she indeed did hear it.. yay finally I am a GRANDMA!! Fist pumping Joy FILLED moment right there folks!!





3 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo.. December is Joy…mostly…except when dress shopping…

    • I just hate it.. ultimately it’s so disappointing. BUT the wedding invite said “Formal” and so therefore I needed a new outfit.. I am anything but Formal in my day to day life lol

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