About Kim, who is she?

Hello Everyone..
Who? Kim Hine (Wife,Mother,Grandmother,Friend,artist,journaller,dreamer,adventurer,domestic goddess) life long student, I love art, pen palling and Journalling. Just begun a life long walk with Christ, lucky there is no use by date for that walk!

Where? Suburban Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (That’s Home, but I’ll also be reporting from far away exotic locations because we like to explore!) I’m not pretending to be an expert in anything and I don’t claim to know anything special but you can read along while I go on my adventures into ART, Travel and Grandmotherhood!

Why? Why not? Everyone else is! (Plus I am about to start an online course (one of many) about “digital journalling” so I need a digital journal!)

What? A little bit of lots of things, family (Husband, 5 children,two adorable Grand babies,dogs,cat,and Charlie the Galah) art, (if it’s any good I’ll share it, if it’s terrible and I learnt something I’ll share it, maybe I’ll even offer it for sale!) Christianity, (I am new to walking with the Lord, but I am taking online courses so I’ll share my studies and what I learn) travel, (We have done the half lap of Australia, up the middle and down the East Coast,in 2012. Hopefully is 2015 we will do the West coast of Australia. We camp in tents, named Tamara and Tyler) adventures (You just never know what we will come up with next, we “The Bloke” (AKA My husband) and I like to go on dates for special occasions like Anniversary and birthdays, we do all kinds of crazy things!)

Rob and Kim Hine Wedding April 2010

Rob and Kim Hine
Wedding April 2010

Sometimes I’ll wander off the track we call that “Going off on a Kimmy Tangent” and you can come along or you can skip that page it’s up to you. You’ll find a little bit about all of these things in my blog.

If you’ve followed a link to my page “Thank you for stopping by” and if you’ve tripped up and gotten here by mistake“Welcome to my wacky world of art and stuff”  feel free to wander through my pages and read whatever grabs your attention and if you like it say “G’day” so I know you’ve been.

Thank you and have a great day and visit again soon there’ll be more to see.



29 thoughts on “About Kim, who is she?

  1. Welcome to the blogging world ! Lovely to read and know you Kim 😀 Thank you for the follow and I would love to read your creations little by little 🙂 Ady from India

  2. Hi Kim, I was nominated today for a “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award?” I was asked to nominate seven bloggers myself, create a post or page, and include a link back to the blog of the person who nominated me. I have done as requested, and I am now nominating you. If you are inclined to take part you can follow this link to the page I created with my responses and all the information you will need. If you don’t want to take part…no worries. God bless. Kathy

  3. Hi Kim
    Yours is an inspiring blog and I hope to be able to read many more posts of yours.
    The road you have chosen is difficult and laden with thorns but rest assured, our Lord will lead you through everything.
    God bless

  4. Hi, Kim! Wonderful to see your visit to my blog this weekend and thank you for hopping on to follow along! I am very glad to meet you! Sounds like you’ve got one busy life too!

    • Hi Prior! Sadly its Winter here in Australia, its been fairly mild, so I am trying to be positive and upbeat about it, I dont like the cold at ALL.

      • oh well sending some sunshine your way, Kim.
        and be sure to take some D3 –
        not sure if you take supplements but – it can be a huge help. I praise God for showing me the ones that were elixirs for my body! and some of my health mentors INSIST that D# is a must in winter – and people have come back to thank me – so consider it.

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